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Who Do You Call When...

PREFACE: The purpose of this document is to direct you to questions with answers you may have that are outside the responsibility of Spanish Wells Unit Two.  We are one of many (8) sub-associations within the greater Spanish Wells Community.  As a sub-association we are responsible for the collection of fees, architectural review and approval, and compliance issues.  As a sub-association, we have a representative on the master association board of directors as well as a representative on the Community Liaison Committee.  We also have individuals who manage our social activities.

The master association is Spanish Wells Community Association (SWCA) and is responsible for maintaining our roads; managing our security service and our gates; maintaining our lakes and ponds; water management and drainage; sign maintenance and replacement; landscaping for SWCA common areas (islands, etc.) perimeter fence maintenance; providing cable and internet services; and supervision of the management of the club.  SWCA does not manage the day-to-day operations of the club.

Once again, the purpose of this document is to direct you to the most relevant source of information that we hope you will find helpful.

Alligators or other wild animals that you perceive as a threat.

There is a specific program related to alligators as follows:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) places the highest priority on public safety and administers a Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program (SNAP). The goal of SNAP is to proactively address alligator threats in developed areas, while conserving alligators in areas where they naturally occur. 

People concerned about an alligator should call the toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286). Generally, an alligator is deemed a nuisance if it is at least 4 feet in length and the caller believes it poses a threat to people, pets, or property. There are situations when smaller alligators wind up in places that are not acceptable, such as swimming pools, garages, etc., and must be removed.  When someone is concerned about an alligator in any of these situations call the Nuisance Alligator Hotline, they will dispatch one of our contracted nuisance alligator trappers to resolve the situation.

SNAP uses contracted nuisance alligator trappers throughout the state to remove alligators from locations where they are unwanted or unwelcome. If a complaint meets the qualifying criteria, SNAP will issue a permit to a contracted nuisance alligator trapper authorizing the removal of the animal.

Complainants must be able to grant legal access to the property on which the alligator is located. SNAP does not permit the removal of nuisance alligators from private or publicly managed property without first obtaining permission from the property owner or management authority.

Alligators less than 4 feet in length are not large enough to be dangerous to people or pets, unless handled. You should never handle an alligator, even a small one, because alligator bites can result in serious infection and it’s illegal. If there's an alligator under 4 feet in your swimming pool, on your porch or in a similar situation, call the Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286).

Feeding wildlife.

If you observe anyone feeding wildlife, you should call FWC at 888-404-3922 and report the name and address of the offending homeowner.  Willfully feeding wildlife (excludes birds) is against the law per Florida Statue 379.412. 

Issues with Bears.

Contact the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922) if you feel threatened by a bear, observe a sick, injured, dead or orphaned bear, or to report someone who is either harming bears or intentionally feeding them.


Issues with Dogs.

If you have an issue with a dog which may include running loose or you are bitten by a dog, you should call Lee County Domestic Animal Services at or internet access or issues.

How do I obtain Internet/Cable/Phone access?

There is a link on our website called “New Residence Information” that provides the procedure for getting service.   


How do I report an internet/cable/phone outage?

Summit Customer Service can be reached by calling (239) 444-0400.  If you contact Summit with any service request, you need to request a ticket number from Summit. The ticket number is assigned to your service request. The ticket number also allows Summit to research your issue if it is not yet resolved.


Landscaping issue in our islands.

Contact SWCA Office @239-318-1287.


Lighting issues in our islands.   

Contact SWCA Office @239-318-1287.

Street Light malfunctions.

Call Florida Power & Light (FPL) at 954-797-5000.   You can also report malfunction on the web at Make sure you have the numbers on the pole when reporting.


Road maintenance issues.

Contact SWCA Office @239-318-1287.


Issue with perimeter fences.

Contact SWCA Office @239-318-1287.


Issues with ponds.

Contact SWCA Office @239-318-1287.


Issues with speeding on our streets.

Contact SWCA Office @239-318-1287 or Lee County Sheriff's Office.

Special Thanks To Unit 3 For This Document

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